Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012

The basic design of the Goldwood Boss is ready. This should be the first time Jet Force members face organic air units... Be sure to have a tough fight against Wonder Wasp! The boss with the cheesiest name ever!

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

New Areas, New Enemy, New, New, New...

It's been quite a while since this blog had posts which showed any new game content. Well here is one!

At first there is the improved canyon with distance fog, a skyline, tribal huts and a small drone outpost:

The next Screenshots show the new Goldwood Forest Area where drones will fight in an open landscape, hide between plants and behind trees:

Life force doors were also added to the JFGR Universe:

And there is a new enemy type in the game! The Missile Drone:

Originally inspired by this guy here:

The AI of the Missile Drone is shown in this video:

And now, the recovered cave area is being improved. Upper picture shows the originial empty cave and the lower picture the new state with a lot of technical stuff, proximity mines, life force doors and so on...

That's quite a lot of news, isn't it?

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

jfgr missile drone concept...

The Missile Drone, a slow but powerful enemy in Jet Force Gemini Resurrection.

Update 29.10.2012: We agreed that the body feels too empty, I therefore added some more tech-parts.
Some rough sketches for the next enemy drone in Jet Force Gemini Resurrection, the missile drone. Equipped with a huge missile launcher it will be a slow but capable foe.

Sonntag, 30. September 2012


Some of you might have been wondering if Floyd will be on your side again in this sequel. Well, as you all know, the little robot sacrificed himself in the Original JFG and therefore he won't show up in JFGR - but the Jet Force has implemented his "Drone-Warning-System" into their new suits ... and now you can guess what the four shiny stripes on Nash's back are doing...

We've also optimized the enemy AI, especially in terms of code efficiency, physics of the dismembered body parts and splatter effects 

Freitag, 28. September 2012

Welcome back on Goldwood!

The second Level of Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection is going to be Goldwood!

Therefore we've already made some Tribal-prototypes with fur:

There is also a rebuilt version of the Goldwood Landing Zone...

and the house of King Jeff.

You will also have new areas which we (sometimes) recovered from our test environments like the Goldwood Depths and a canyon area:

Stay tuned - this is gonna be great! :)

Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Updated Gameplay Video

A lot of small updates have happened in the last few days and this was the reason for us to make a new 10 min Video of commented gameplay! You definately need to watch

Besides that - stay tuned for the first infos on the second level ... Here's the first hint... you still know these? I personally think besides the weapon redesign, this is our first real reminiscence of the original JFG... ;)

Freitag, 3. August 2012

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

Well, took some time again, but here we present the new trailer from Jet Force Gemini Resurrection! We made it in the last weeks and it shows some footage of our first, nearly completed level, the spawnship including a preview of our first boss!
Enjoy! :)



Montag, 4. Juni 2012

Finally, the modelling and texturing of the so called "Devastator Drone" is complete. The model also already has a rig so we are ready to animate it.

On the picture below you can see that we've almost reached the proportions of the concept art. And you will fight it with your Standard Gun only ;)

Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

And some assorted screenshots from the spawnship level. A new video will come sometime soon too. 

Here the final model from our first boss. It is only one half and will be mirrored in the end. 
Animations and textures are currently worked on. 

Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

This will be the boss for the first level, the spawnship. 
It is currently being modelled, and will be ready soon. 

Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Spawnship exterior is complete and is presented as one of the most epic intro scenes ever seen! Hidden in an asteroid field something weird is going on and you are about to find out!

You will enter the Spawnship through the hangar on the back where the holo-bridge is leading after you have activated it on a small landing pad a few meters away. Veterans will immediately recognize the original Spawnship in the middle with its "I-22" writing on the hull.

Video of the full scenery and the capabilities of the level changing system coming soon!


Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

First (untextured) view of the Spawnship exterior. The Spawnship will be the first level of JFGR. You will land on a take off pad a few meters away so you can see the entire ship. It can be reached by a holo-bridge which is used for maintenance. Since there are a few rooms almost completed in size and interior, the promised scene-changing/level-changing system can be tested as well. Maybe we will create a video update soon.

The 3D-model, concept art and the idea to integrate and extend the original Spawnship from Jet Force Gemini can be viewed on the picture below:

Sonntag, 18. März 2012


Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection says "thank you" for the first 1000 views on Youtube! We will keep it up! :)

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

Currently having a lot of fun with building up the first real level: The Spawnship!

Also making serious progress at developing a level-change-system which continues to play music when changing from one scene to another (and also plays during load times), supports spawning at different positions in the next scene and stores/calls all gameplay-relevant data :) The plan is to have 3 different save states in total.

Montag, 5. März 2012

AI Demo

Because it wasn't obvious in the Trailer how enemies behave and interact with you during gameplay, Marius set up a second video. In this video, which is commented by himself, he explains the basic idea of the AI System and the enemy tactics.

The AI System consists of different decision routines. These depend on distance measures between the enemy, the player and cover spots on the battlefield. It its also capable of handling multiple enemies and lead them to different positions.

Watch our results here:

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012

Sentry Guns

Due to a lot of work with the diploma, progress is getting slower at the moment - anyway Mizar's arsenal has been extended. Sentry Guns are implemented, fully functional and ready to shoot!

Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

This is the first Trailer of Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection.


Welcome to Jet Force Gemini Resurrection!

Jet Force Gemini Resurrection is a non-commercial fan project made by two german guys, Marius Richter and Jan Schoofs. All aspects of the game have been made by us.

Marius Richter being in charge of scripting, 3D modeling, level design, AI programming, background story and sounds, Jan Schoofs taking care of the overall visuals, concept art, character design, weapons design and texturing.

We are currently uploading our first ingame trailer, which shortly reminds you of the original game and its story by showing original game footage. At about 2:00 you can actually see what we have created so far.

All this stuff has been made with the Unity3D Game Creation tool which can be looked up at Thank you guys for such an amazing piece of software. You made our dream come true. We have to admit - anyone of us had an idea HOW to make a video game and we got stuck several times. But due to this amazing software, a lot of endurance and also an enormous learning curve, we were able to achieve this amazing results. Since this is the work of only two people, we can be proud of what we have created and we would love to see you follow this blog and this project.

We will keep you up to date as soon as there are news!