Samstag, 21. September 2013

Long time no see... and SO MUCH NEWS!

Yeah dudes, I know we haven't been very busy on this blog for a quite long time... Sorry for that but Blogspot just isn't as easy and fast to use as Facebook and the Unity3D Forums... Sorry for keeping you waiting. But - the longer you have to wait, the more news you recieve!

First things first. We've stopped telling you about the implemetation of the Plasma Gun and it's capability of an instant kill and our playable Demo which hopefully brought you some fun and showed you how JFGR will play. Fine.

Due to a crash in Unity3D during saving the complete Echidna Scene had been deleted and the Jet Force suffered from quite a setback. I could recover some of the data but at least I had to rebuild at least 75% of the scene and I also started to have a job back then which slowed me additionally.

Only a few days later the graphics card refused to do its work so, after a few tests and even baking, I finally said goodbye to my beloved ATI 4870 X2. Sometimes technology is as fascinating as stupid. After a removing every removeable part from my broken ATI 4780 X2 and a short baking session in my oven (200° Celsius, 10 minutes) the error LED didn't glow anymore and everything seemed to work normal again... but I think I killed it while testing without the cooling support of its fan. Even those few seconds seemed too much.

I then borrowed a ATI HD 5570 from a friend and continued to work on Echidna.

And after rebuilding the mountain path scene, adding a foggy valley and getting myself a new graphics card, we came up with the first concrete ideas for our second Character.

This was around the Easter days - just to get you a little feel for the time that has passed. While Jan worked on a conrete rendering of our second Character I continued to enlarge Echidna with an Ice Cave.

We built that cave on a terrain to make it easier for us to texture the ground with quite a lot varieties of snowy, rocky and icy surfaces and are now quite satisfied with the results. The last sceenshot shows the textured cave walls.

After that it was time to begin the "Pre-Boss"-area you know from the original JFG and we adapted this for the Spawnship and Goldwood. On Echidna it would be a bit different... since the Pre-Boss-Area is a small space port with several houses and inhabitants...

It will also contain a very special kind of establishment you've seen on Ichor...

Yeah right: in the middle of the small space port there is a CLUB!

And we dedicate its name to some guys which ran a great JFG website that doesn't exist anymore... too bad because these guys also came up with a JFG2 idea and tried to use the unreal engine... Unfortunately they disappeared into nowhere and we never saw any results... R.I.P. Jet Force Gemini APEX!

I've established a connection between the boss area, the club and the landing pad. The Club model still misses some details on this picture and the space port buildings haven't got any doors but this was fixed in the mean time.

The area where you fight the boss lies in front of a giant security door which blocks the way to the APEX until you took down the boss. It looks like this:

And here are the first concrete ideas for the bossfight:

While Jan was working on these I improved a few things on Goldwood because I recocgnized some hard breaks in style and colour... the style broke to much when heading from King Jeff's hut to the canyon... so I tried to recolour the texture from that brown rocky surface to this Goldwood-typical orange...

After recolouring all areas with that orange type of rock I also attached some distance fog to the boss room to intensify the feeling of a horizon. Goldwood always had some strange type of a very bright green fog... or was it the N64 and not Goldwood in the end? 

 I've also improved the trunks of the trees which were shipped with Unity...

I then prepared some stuff in the Apex again and also tried out the mecanim animation system on a test model. Took quite some time but this could be quite handy when importing fitting motion capture data (thanks to the internet there are a lot of every day movements avaliable for free) and we will build every new Player- and NPC-model based on the desired bone structure of the system. Speaking of NPCs... what would be a club without a DJ... so we brought back DJ Fishface!

While modelling and improving a lot of stuff Jan was working heavily on the designs for our new Character Orion and so he wasn't able to make any textures for the models I made... This will be hopefully done in the next few days.

At first I'll show you the final rendering of Orion and parallel the 3D-Model WIPs.

Nash's animal partner is less than half in size and will move much faster than his human counterpart. In contrast he carries weaker weapons. In combat, the two form a perfect symbiosis of a quick attacker / scout and a strong fighter with heavier weapons.
Orion uses different weapons so you don't face the problem of snatching away upgrades like it was possible in the orginal. If you hadn't pushed Juno to his max. ammo values the final fight was a real pain - and I guess every normal guy pushed vela...

In contrast to Lupus, Orion is a real cat which got its mechanical implants after an accident and due to the technological advance over time he also received a translation module so he can communicate with humans and vice versa.

And the final model with the smaller adaption of the Standard Gun.

Don't wonder about the big plates on his face, these serve as painting surface for eye brows and whiskers. Right now I am modelling all 4 weapons for Orion and two of them have already been completed.

The Laser Turret...

... will be the equivalent to Nashs Machine Gun - though it will have an alternately and much lower fire rate than the MG. Since the MG only does half the damage of the Standard Gun I think we'll apply the same to the laser turret.
And the Sniper Rifle:

So that's basically it... hope you had fun while reading and recognizing that JFGR isn't dead. Next post is coming I promise and then you'll hopefully see an ingame Orion with fur and animation, functioning weapons, hovering ability and a new trailer for Echidna...

Stay tuned guys!

Best regards,



Montag, 4. März 2013

Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection - playable Demo is here!

Wow, we've finally done it. After a lot of requests from the Unity3D forums and Facebook we finally release our first playable Demo of Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection and you are allowed to test one area of the second level Goldwood.


- download and extract, run GoldwoodForest.exe and press the right mouse button on the title screen to enter the game.

- use W,A,S,D to run around, press and hold left shift to walk

- Show or hide your gun by pressing Q or the mouse wheel. When your gun is visible you can fire unprecisely by pressing the left mouse button or you can enter the aiming-mode by pressing the right mouse button. In aiming-mode you can shoot precisely.

- Use the mousewheel to scroll through the weapons. 2 are included: Pistol and Machine Gun.

- In aiming-mode use A and D to strafe

- Press Space to jump

- End game with Alt + F4


- Plasma Gun isn't integrated in the Demo, it's not finished yet

- Jumping is a bit jerky, will be fixed

- You don't slide off steep edges. I hope I can somehow fix this but it has my attention

- Camera isn't behind the player when the game starts. This does work but I missed the right configuration before upload! Sorry!

- Drones sometimes walk through obstacles or stop and turn around their own axis very fast. This is an error in the AI which I still have to search and fix.

- Air units are coming out of the wall instead out of the treetops. False axis configuration. Will be fixed.

- Do not try to enter the door again through which you enter the level. The game will try to perform a scene change, but since only one scene is included in the demo you'll only recieve a black screen.

- Health and Ammo are incredibly high. Yap - extra for you so you can do a very intense and relaxed testing without getting killed very fast.

- The second life force door doesn't open. Demo ends here and is limited to only one area ;)


Constructive critisism is welcome and please keep an eye on your FPS counter and tell me which value you reached in the comment section. Then I know how well the game runs on several systems.

Hint for ATI graphic card owners - if the FPS is very bad try to turn off Catalys AI in the Catalyst Control Center/driver settings. Unity doesn't seem to like it.

Well then: Happy Shootiing! :) 

Oh and by the way there are also some neat news:

You will hate me for that... I know it... I've implemented the most hated and useless weapon in JFG: The Plasma Gun!


But don't worry, THIS TIME may love this baby. I've implemented a charge system which lets you increase the power of your shot but the shot is not a single slow projectile like in the original.

The Plasma Gun in JFGR shoots a constant beam with absolutely no delay which lasts für 0.5 seconds - and when you turn with the gun in your hands the beam turns with you so you can cut through your enemies. The thickness and efficiency of the beam varies with the charge of the weapon. With a full charged shot you can kill a drone immediately :)

The muzzle varies its size while the beam is visible. The uncharged beam is smaller of course. But what happens when you shoot a charged beam at a drone? Yeah right it splatters completely :)

This was quite tricky to make but its a quite cool effect now :) It still misses a particle effect for charging and the sounds but this is nothing difficult anymore.


Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

New Enemy Type: Gatling Drone!

Now we have a new enemy type: The Gatling Drone! It almost has the same AI as the Missile Drone and uses the same animation rig, that's why it was completed so fast :) But in contrast to the Missile Drone it uses a permanent and suppressing fire technique which will give you hell if you stand still!

We also have a new version of the Air Drones which follows a path instead of hovering at a fixed position.

Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

Goldwood is complete! Off to Echidna!

Well, quite a lot of time has passed and I have to admit that this blog here just gets the "big" posts, as well as the Unity3D forums. For more frequent and small updates please join us on facebook:

But none the less you recieve the same quality here, its just a little bit more tighly arranged ;)

What has happened in the last few weeks?

The last thing you saw was the concept art for our new boss on Goldwood and the improvement of the cave area...

Here is the creational procedure of "Wonderwasp":

And after all the modelling, animation, programming and texturing was done we began to connect all the Goldwood-Level-rooms so that you can play them all together. And the result of that is our new Goldwood Trailer which shows some footage of our second in-game level with a quick reminiscene to the intro of the original "Jet Force Gemini". You also can see our new enemy type "Missile Drone", we have implemented life force doors, the floyd warning system which is integrated in Nash's suit is working, you can meet a tribal along the way, the soldier drones got new splatter effects and you can take a look at the second boss "Wonderwasp". The overall level of details has been increased and we've experimented with new effects.

The third and last level of Nash's path will be a world which never appeared in the original JFG... The current working name for this planet is "Echidna" according to a monster of the greek mythology and hopefully it will give you chills... :)