Sonntag, 18. März 2012


Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection says "thank you" for the first 1000 views on Youtube! We will keep it up! :)

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

Currently having a lot of fun with building up the first real level: The Spawnship!

Also making serious progress at developing a level-change-system which continues to play music when changing from one scene to another (and also plays during load times), supports spawning at different positions in the next scene and stores/calls all gameplay-relevant data :) The plan is to have 3 different save states in total.

Montag, 5. März 2012

AI Demo

Because it wasn't obvious in the Trailer how enemies behave and interact with you during gameplay, Marius set up a second video. In this video, which is commented by himself, he explains the basic idea of the AI System and the enemy tactics.

The AI System consists of different decision routines. These depend on distance measures between the enemy, the player and cover spots on the battlefield. It its also capable of handling multiple enemies and lead them to different positions.

Watch our results here: