Montag, 4. März 2013

Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection - playable Demo is here!

Wow, we've finally done it. After a lot of requests from the Unity3D forums and Facebook we finally release our first playable Demo of Jet Force Gemini: Resurrection and you are allowed to test one area of the second level Goldwood.


- download and extract, run GoldwoodForest.exe and press the right mouse button on the title screen to enter the game.

- use W,A,S,D to run around, press and hold left shift to walk

- Show or hide your gun by pressing Q or the mouse wheel. When your gun is visible you can fire unprecisely by pressing the left mouse button or you can enter the aiming-mode by pressing the right mouse button. In aiming-mode you can shoot precisely.

- Use the mousewheel to scroll through the weapons. 2 are included: Pistol and Machine Gun.

- In aiming-mode use A and D to strafe

- Press Space to jump

- End game with Alt + F4


- Plasma Gun isn't integrated in the Demo, it's not finished yet

- Jumping is a bit jerky, will be fixed

- You don't slide off steep edges. I hope I can somehow fix this but it has my attention

- Camera isn't behind the player when the game starts. This does work but I missed the right configuration before upload! Sorry!

- Drones sometimes walk through obstacles or stop and turn around their own axis very fast. This is an error in the AI which I still have to search and fix.

- Air units are coming out of the wall instead out of the treetops. False axis configuration. Will be fixed.

- Do not try to enter the door again through which you enter the level. The game will try to perform a scene change, but since only one scene is included in the demo you'll only recieve a black screen.

- Health and Ammo are incredibly high. Yap - extra for you so you can do a very intense and relaxed testing without getting killed very fast.

- The second life force door doesn't open. Demo ends here and is limited to only one area ;)


Constructive critisism is welcome and please keep an eye on your FPS counter and tell me which value you reached in the comment section. Then I know how well the game runs on several systems.

Hint for ATI graphic card owners - if the FPS is very bad try to turn off Catalys AI in the Catalyst Control Center/driver settings. Unity doesn't seem to like it.

Well then: Happy Shootiing! :) 

Oh and by the way there are also some neat news:

You will hate me for that... I know it... I've implemented the most hated and useless weapon in JFG: The Plasma Gun!


But don't worry, THIS TIME may love this baby. I've implemented a charge system which lets you increase the power of your shot but the shot is not a single slow projectile like in the original.

The Plasma Gun in JFGR shoots a constant beam with absolutely no delay which lasts für 0.5 seconds - and when you turn with the gun in your hands the beam turns with you so you can cut through your enemies. The thickness and efficiency of the beam varies with the charge of the weapon. With a full charged shot you can kill a drone immediately :)

The muzzle varies its size while the beam is visible. The uncharged beam is smaller of course. But what happens when you shoot a charged beam at a drone? Yeah right it splatters completely :)

This was quite tricky to make but its a quite cool effect now :) It still misses a particle effect for charging and the sounds but this is nothing difficult anymore.